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时间:2023-05-15    点击数:次    来源:

Tianjin University BioInformatics Centre (TUBIC) . Currently, TUBIC is one of the key websites for life sciences of the Ministry of Education, China. This Bioinformatics center offers a number of services based on Bioinformatics softwares developed at TUBIC during the past few years. These softwares include those for gene-finding in the yeast genome ZCURVE_Y, ab initio gene-recognition ZCURVE_B and replication origin prediction Ori-Finder and Ori-Finder 2 in bacterial and archaeal genomes, gene-identification for virus genomes, and especially for coronavirus genomes. Additionally, TUBIC also hosts four databases: the Z-curve databaseZcurve_DB, displaying the Z-curves for more than 1000 genomes, the Database of Essential Genes (DEG) for microbial genomes, the database of replication origins in bacterial genomes (DoriC), and the database listing potential G-quadruplex regulated genes Greglist. Now TUBIC serves as one of the windows to display the achievements of Bioinformatics research in China. TUBIC.ORG is the mirror site of TUBIC.



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