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  • 职称:教授
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:光学/材料物理与化学
  • Email:htdai@tju.edu.cn
  • 课题组网址:
  • 办公室:





2002.9-2005.7 复旦大学 博士

2008.8-2010.8 新加坡南洋理工大学博士后

2010.8 至今 天津大学理学院教师









1. 提出并细致研究了携载轨道角动量的横向加速光束的传播特性。

2. 系统研究了复合光阳极在光催化分解谁制氢方面的特性和应用,并优化了其光电催化特性。

3. 深入研究液晶可调控激光器件的制备和特性,主要针对液晶带隙激光、随机激光以及不同微纳结构中的液晶激光辐射和调控。

4. 研究工作获得多项国家项目的支持,并发表SCI,EI索引学术论文58篇,其中第一(含通讯)作者26篇,他引115次,一篇ESI前1%高被引论文。在国际学术会议上作十余次口头报告,其中6次国际邀请报告。







天津市自然科学基金重点项目:基于自旋调控的高效电注入量子点LED,14JCZDJC31400,20万,2014.4-2017.4 主持人

自然科学基金面上项目:基于聚合物分散液晶的超衍射极限聚焦及其在扫描荧光显微成像中的应用,61177061, 64万,2012.1-2014.12主持人

自然科学基金面上项目:基于聚合物分散液晶的超衍射极限聚焦及其在扫描荧光显微成像中的应用,61177061, 64万,2012.1-2014.12主持人

教育部博士点基金青年教师基金:横向加速光涡的传播动力学研究及其在光学微粒操控中的应用”, 20110032120070, 4万,2012.1-2014.12,主持人










1、H. T. Dai,L. Chen, B. Zhang, G. Y. Si, and Y. J. Liu, Optically isotropic, electrically tunable liquid crystal droplet arrays formed by photopolymerization induced phase separation,Opt. Letters40(12), 2723-2726(2015).

2、L. Li,H. T. Dai, D. Luo, S. G. Wang, X. W. Sun, Nickel Oxide Nanosheets for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) Nanowire Arrays,Energy Tech.,4(6), 758-763(2016).

3、J. Zhang,H. T. Dai, C. Yan, D. G. Xu, Y. J. Liu, D. Luo, X. W. Sun, Lasing properties from dye-doped holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal confined in two-dimensional cylindrical geometry,Opt. Mater. Express,6(4), 1367-1375(2016).

4、X. L. Zhang,H. T. Dai, J. L. Zhao, S. G. Wang, X. W. Sun, All-solution processed composite hole transport layer for quantum dot light emitting diode,Thin Solid Films, 603, 187-192(2016).

5、X. R. Mao, Y. Yang,H. T. Dai, D. Dan, B. L. Yao and S. H. Yan, Tunable photonic nanojet formed by generalized Luneburg lens,Opt. Express 20(6),26426-26433 (2015).

6、L. Li,H. T. Dai, L. F. Feng, D. Luo, S. G. Wang, and X. W. Sun, Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen-generation activity and stability of TiO2 nanorod arrays sensitized by PbS and CdS quantum dots under UV-visible light,Nanoscale Research Lett. 10, 418-424 (2015).

7、G. Y. Si, E. S. P. Leong, X. X. Jiang, J. T. Lv, J. Lin,H. T. Dai, and Y. J. Liu, All-optical, polarization-insensitive light tuning properties in silver nanorod arrays covered with photoresponsive liquid crystals,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17(2), 13223-13227(2015).

8、L. Y. Tang, J. L. Zhao, X. L. Zhang,H. T. Dai, and X. W. Sun, Enhanced electroluminescence of all-inorganic colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diode by optimizing the MoO3 intermediate layer,Micro&Nano Lett. 9(6), 4121-424 (2014).

9、X. L. Zhang,H. T. Dai, J. L. Zhao, C. Li, S. G. Wang and X. W. Sun, Effects of the thickness of NiO hole transport layer on the performance of all-inorganic quantum dot light emitting diode,Thin Solid Films, 567:72-76(2014)

10、B. Xu, J. L. Zhao,H. T. Dai, S. G. Wang, R-M Lin, F-C. Chu, Ch- Hs. Huang, Sh- Fu. Yu, X. W. Sun, Influence of Pre-trimethylindium flow treatment on blue light emitting diode,Thin Solid Film,551, 142-145 (2014)

11、Y. Yang,H. T. Dai, and X. W. Sun, Fractal diabolo antenna for enhancing and confining the optical magnetic field,AIP Advances,4, 017123(2014)

12、X. L. Zhang, J. L. Zhao, S. G. Wang,H. T. Dai, and X. W. Sun, Shape-dependent localized surface plasmon enhanced photocatalytic effect of ZnO nanorods decorated with Ag,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, 8238-8245(2014)

13、Y. Yang,H. T. Dai, B. F. Zhu, X. W. Sun, Dynamic Control of the Airy Plasmons in a Graphene Platform,IEEE Photonics Journal, 6(4), 4801207(2014)

14、X. L. Zhang, Y. Li, J. L. Zhao, S. G. Wang, Y. D. Li,H. T. Dai, and X. W. Sun, Advanced three-component ZnO/Ag/CdS nanocomposite photoanode for photocatalytic water splitting,Journal of Power Source, 269:466-472(2014)

15、X. L. Zhang,H. T. Dai, J. L. Zhao, S. G. Wang, and X. W. Sun, Surface-morphology evolution of ZnO nanostructures grown by hydrothermal method,Crystal Research& Technology,49, 220-226(2014)(Back Cover)

16、Y. Yang,H. T. Dai, X. W. Sun, Split ring aperture for optical magnetic field enhancement by radially polarized beam,Opt. Express21(6), 6845-6850(2013)

17、H. T. Dai,Y. J. Liu,D. Luo and X. W. Sun, Propagation properties of an optical vortex carried by an Airy beam: experimental implementation,Opt. Lett.36(9), 1617-1619(2011)

18、H. T. Dai,Y. J. Liu,D. Luo and X. W. Sun, Propagations dynamics of an optical vortex imposed on an Airy beam,Opt. Lett.35(23), 4075-4077(2010)

19、H. T. Dai, X. W. Sun, D. Luo and Y. J. Liu, Airy beams generated by a binary phase element made of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals,Opt. Express17(22), 19365-19370(2009)

20、H. T. Dai, Y. J. Liu, X. W. Sun and D. Luo , A negative–positive tunable liquid-crystal microlens array by printing,Opt. Express 17(6),4317-4323 (2009)

21、H. T. Dai, J. H. Liu, X. C. Sun, D. J. Yin, Programmable fractal zone plates (FraZPs) with foci finely tuned,Opt. Commun. 281, 5515-5519 (2008)

22、H. T. Dai, X. Wang, K. S. Xu, Focusing Properties of Fractal Zone Plates with Variable Lacunarity: Experimental Studies Based on Liquid Crystal on Silicon,Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(11), 2851-2853 (2005)

23、H. T. Dai, K. S. Xu, Y. J. Liu, X. Wang, Characteristics of LCoS Phase-only spatial light modulator and its applications,Opt. Commun. 238(11), 269-276 (2004)

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