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  • 职称:教授、博士导师
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:理论物理
  • Email:jldu@tju.edu.cn
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1998-2008任陕西省天文学会副理事长。2008年起担任历届统计物理国际会议顾问委员会(Advisory Committee, 2008, 2011, 2014, SigmaPhi2017---International Conferences in Statistical Physics, athttp://sigmaphisrv.polito.it/ )



[1] Yu H N, Du Jiulin*: The nonextensive parameter for the rotating astrophysical systems with power-law distributions,Europhys.Lett. 116 (2016) 60005.

[2] Zheng Y H, Du Jiulin*:Nonextensive thermodynamic relations based on the assumption of temperature duality,Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 28 (2016) 1791-1805.

[3]Zhou Y J,Du Jiulin*:The anomalous distributions and Soret coefficient in non-equilibrium colloid system,Fluct. Noise Lett. 15 (2016)1650001.

[4]Zheng Y H,Du Jiulin*:The stationary state and gravitational temperature in a pure self-gravitating system,Physica A 420 (2015)41-48.

[5]Guo R,Du Jiulin*:The precise time-dependent solution of the Fokker–Planck equation with anomalous diffusion, Ann. Phys. 359 (2015)187-197.

[6] Zheng Y H*,Du Jiulin:The equivalence of isothermal and non-isothermal power law distributions with temperature duality,Physica A 427(2015) 113-121.

[7] Zhou Y J, Yin C T:Applications of power-law transition state theory to the reaction of a hydroxy radical with molecular hydrogen and the respiration in Camellia Japonica,Physica A 417(2015) 267-272.

[8]Abid A A, Ali S, Du Jiulin, Mamun A A,Vasyliunas–Cairns distribution function for space plasma species,Phys. Plasmas 22 (2015) 084507.

[9]Yin C T,Guo R,Du Jiulin*:The rate coefficients of unimolecular reactions in the systems with power-law distributions,Physica A 408 (2014)85-95.

[10]Zheng Y H,Du Jiulin*:Two physical explanations of the nonextensive parameter in a self-gravitating system,Europhys.Lett. 107 (2014) 60001.

[11]Zheng Y H,Du Jiulin*:The gravitational heat conduction and the hierarchical structure in solar interior,Europhys.Lett. 105 (2014)54002.

[12]Yin C T,Zhou Y J,Du Jiulin*:The power-law TST reaction rate coefficient with tunneling correction, Physica A 413 (2014)294-300.

[13]Yu H N,Du Jiulin*:The nonextensive parameter for nonequilibrium electron gas in an electromagnetic field,Ann.Phys. 350 (2014)302-309.

[14]Zhou Y J,Du Jiulin*:Kramers escape rate in overdamped systems with the power-law distribution,Physica A 402 (2014)299-305.

[15]Yin C T,Du Jiulin*:The power-law reaction rate coefficient for barrierless reactions,J.Stat. Mech. (2014) P07012.

[16]Guo R,Du Jiulin*:Are power-law distributions an equilibrium distribution or a stationary nonequilibrium distribution?,Physica A 406 (2014)281-286.

[17]Guo R,Du Jiulin*:The adiabatic static linear response function in nonextensive statistical mechanics,Physica A 414 (2014)414-420.

[18]Yin C T,Du Jiulin*:The power-law reaction rate coefficient for an elementary bimolecular reaction,Physica A 395 (2014)416-424.

[19]Yin C T,Du Jiulin*:The collision theory reaction rate coefficient for power-law distributions,Physica A 407 (2014)119-127.

[20]Zhou Y J,Du Jiulin*:Escape rate for the power-law distribution in low-to- intermediate damping,Physica A 403 (2014)244-251.

[21]Yu H T,Du Jiulin*:Entropy Production Rate of Non-equilibrium Systems from the Fokker-Planck Equation,Braz. J.Phys. 44 (2014)410-414.

[22]Guo R,Du Jiulin*:Power-law behaviors from the two-variable Langevin equation: Ito's and Stratonovich's Fokker-Planck equations,J.Stat. Mech. (2013)P02015:1-10.

[23]Guo M L,Du Jiulin*:Electronic and optical properties of C-N-CodopedTiO2: A First-Principles GGA+Uinvestigation,Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 27 (2013)1350123.

[24]Du Jiulin*:Characteristics of the nonequilibrium plasmas with power-law distributions,First ICTP-NCP International College on Plasma Physics, 2013.11.11-15, Isalamabad.

[25]Du Jiulin*:Transport coefficients in Lorentz plasmas with the power-law kappa- distribution,Phys.Plasmas 20 (2013)092901.

[26]Zhou Y J,Du Jiulin*:The mean first passage time in an energy-diffusion controlled regime with power-law distributions, J.Stat.Mech. (2013)P11005:1- 15.

[27] Du Jiulin*: Transition state theory: A generalization to nonequilibrium systems with power-law distributions,Physica A 391 (2012) 1718-1728.

[28]Gong J Y,Du Jiulin*:Secondary electron emissions and dust charging currents in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with power-law distributions,Phys. Plasmas 19 (2012) 063703.

[29] Du Jiulin*:Power-law distributions and fluctuation-dissipation relation in the stochastic dynamics of two-variable Langevin equations,J. Stat. Mech. (2012)P02006: 1-12.

[30]Gong J Y,Du Jiulin*:Dust charging processes in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with nonextensive power-law distribution,Phys. Plasmas 19 (2012) 023704.

[31]Du Jiulin*:Erratum to Transition state theory: A generalization to non-equilibrium systems with power-law distributions,Physica A 391 (2012)2930.

[32]Gong J Y,Liu Z P,Du Jiulin*:Dust-acoustic waves and stability in the permeating dusty plasma: II. Power-law distributions,Phys.Plasmas 19 (2012)083706.

[33]Gong J Y,Liu Z P,Du Jiulin*:Dust-acoustic waves and stability in permeating dusty plasmas: I. Maxwellian distribution,Phys. Plasmas 19 (2012) 043704.

[34]Guo M L,Zhang X D,Du Jiulin*:Electronic structure and enhanced visible light absorption of N, B-codoped TiO2,Phys. Stat. Sol.RRL 6 (2012) 172-176.

[36]Guo R,Du Jiulin*:Energy distribution and energy fluctuation in Tsallis statistics,Physica A 391 (2012)2853-2859.[35]Guo M L,Du Jiulin*:First-principles study of electronic structures and optical properties of Cu, Ag, and Au-dopedanataseTiO2,Physica B 407 (2012)1003- 1007.

[37] Liu Z P, Guo L N, Du J L:“Nonextensivity andtheq-distribution ofa relativisticgas underanexternalelectromagnetic field” Chinese Sci. Bull. 56(2011) 3689-3692.

[38] Guo L N, Du J L:“Thermodynamic potentials and thermodynamic relations in nonextensive thermodynamics”Physica A 390(2011)183-188.

[39] Guo L N, Du J L:“The two parameters (k, r) in the generalized statistics”Physica A 389(2010) 47-51.

[40]Du J L: “Some dynamical properties of the Tsallis distribution from a Fokker-Planck equation”Chin. Phys. B 19 (2010) 040501.

[41]Du J L: “A new form of Tsallis distribution based on the probabilistically independent postulate”Chin. Phys. B 19 (2010) 070501.

[42]Du J L, Song Y L: “Solar wind speed theory and the nonextensivity of solar corona”, P.93-102, Eds. Hans J. Haubold and A.M. Mathai, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

[43]Liu Z P, Du J L: “Dust-acoustic instability driven by drifting ions and electrons in the dust plasma with Lorentzian kappa distribution”Phys. Plasmas 16 (2009) 123707.

[44]Guo L N, Du J L: “Heat capacity of the generalized two-atom and many-atom gas in nonextensive statistics”Physica A 388 (2009) 4936-4942.

[45]Liu Z P, Liu L Y, Du J L: “A nonextensive approach for the instability of current-driven ion-acoustic waves in space plasma”Phys. Plasmas 16 (2009) 072111.

[46]Liu L Y, Du J L: “Ion acoustic waves in the plasma with the power-law q-distribution in nonextensive statistics”Physica A 387 (2008) 4821-4827.

[47]Liu L Y, Du J L: “Energy fluctuations and the ensemble equivalence in Tsallis statistics”Physica A 387 (2008) 5417-5421.

[48]Ou C, Li W, Du J L, Tsobnang F, J Chen, Mehaute A, Wang Q A,“Possible canonical distributions for finite systems with nonadditive energy”Physica A 387 (2008) 5761-5767.

[49]Du J L, “Erratum to the property of k-deformed statistics for a relativistic gas in an electromagnetic field: k parameter and k-distribution”Phys. Lett. A 372 (2008) 340.

[50]Du J L: “Property of Tsallis entropy and principle of entropy increase”Bull. Astr. Soc. India,35 (2007) 691-696.

[51]Du J L, “Nonextensivity and the power-law distributions for the systems with self-gravitating long-range interactions”Astrophys. Space Sci. 312 (2007) 47-55.

[52]Du J L, “Corrigendum to the Chandrasekhar's condition of the equilibrium and stability for a star in the nonextensive kinetic theory"New Astron. 12 (2007) 657.

[53]Guo L N, Du J L, Liu Z P: “The property of k-deformed statistics for a relativistic gas in an electromagnetic field: k parameter and k-distribution”Phys. Lett. A 367 (2007) 431-435.

[54]Zheng Y H and Du J L: “An application of nonextensive parameter: the nonextensive gas and real gas”Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 21 (2007) 947-953.

[55]Guo L N, Du J L:“The κ parameter and κ-distribution in κ-deformed statistics for the systems in an external field”Phys. Lett. A 362 (2007) 368-.

[56]Du J L: "Test of nonextensive statistical mechanics by solar sound speeds"Europhys. Lett. 75 (2006) 861.

[57]Du J L: "The Chandrasekhar's condition of equilibrium and stability for a star in the nonextensive kinetic theory"New Astron. 12 (2006) 60.

[58]Du J L: "What does the nonextensive parameter stand for in self-gravitating systems?"Astrophys. Space Sci.305 (2006) 247.

[59]Du J L: "Hydrostatic equilibrium and Tsallis equilibrium for self-gravitating systems"Centr. Eur. J. Phys. 3 (2005) 376.

[60]Du J-L, Shen H: “Dynamical behavior of core 3He nuclear reaction-diffusion systems and sun’s gravitational field”Trans. TJU. 11(1)(2005) 30-34.

[61]Du J L: “The nonextensive parameter and Tsallis distribution for self-gravitating systems”Europhys. Lett. 67(2004) 893.

[62]Du J L: "Nonextensivity in nonequilibrium plasma systems with Coulombian long-range interactions"Phys. Lett. A 329 (2004) 262.

[63]Du J L:“Jeans criterion in nonextensive statistical mechanics ”Physica A 335 (2004)107.

[64]Du J L:“Jeans criterion and nonextensive velocity distribution function in kinetic theory” Phys. Lett. A 320 (2004) 347.

[65] Du J L:“Fluctuation in the nuclear reaction-diffusion system and oscillations inside stars”Physica A 318 (2003) 334.







研究生招生学科专业: 1.理论物理2.凝聚态物理3.材料物理与化学。 欢迎有志于基础科学理论研究的学生联系报考。

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