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  • 职称:教授,博导
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:材料物理与化学、凝聚态物理
  • Email:pingwu@tju.edu.cn
  • 课题组网址:
  • 办公室:





1985.9-1990.6 清华大学材料系材料科学专业 本科

1992.9-1994.6 清华大学材料系材料物理专业 硕士

1994.9-1997.6 天津大学理学院应用物理学系 博士

1997.6-2003.6 天津大学理学院应用物理学系 副教授

2003.6至今 天津大学理学院应用物理学系 教授

1999.9-2000.9 美国波士顿东北大学工学院 博士后访问学者

2005.1-2005.6 澳大利亚悉尼大学 访问学者


天津市真空学会理事 ,天津市物理学会理事


1.L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, W. K. Mu and P. Wu*, Interfacial reactions of Sn-3.5Ag-xZn solders and Cu substrates during liquid state aging, Journal of Electronic Materials, 40 (2011) 306-314.

2.W. Zhou, P. F. Xing and P. Wu*, Ferromagnetism in nitrogen-doped cubic ZrO2: Density-functional investigations, Scripta Materialia, 63 (2010) 776-779.

3.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Fast Mass migration in Sn-Bi deposits enhanced by electric current, Thin Solid Film, 518 (2010) 5875-5880.

4.L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Interfacial Reactions between Sn-8Zn-3Bi-xNi lead-free and Cu substrate during isothermal aging, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 123 (2010) 629-633.

5.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu and P. Wu*, Structural, electronic and thermo-elastic properties of Cu6Sn5 and Cu5Zn8 intermetallic compounds: first-principles investigation, Intermetallics, 18 (2010) 922-928.

6.S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, Numerical solution and comparison to experiment of solute drag models for binary alloy solidification with a planar phase interface, Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 716-719.

7.S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, A comparative study on migration of a planar interface during solidification of non-dilute alloys, Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (2010) 982-988.

8.L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Electromigration behavior in Cu/Sn-8Zn-3Bi/Cu solder joint, Microelectronics Reliability, 50 (2010) 251-257

9.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, P. Wu* and Q G. Song, Structural, elastic and electronic properties of intermetallics in the Pt-Sn system: a density functional investigation, Computational Materials Science, 46 (2009) 921-931.

10.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, P. Wu*, First-principles study of structural, thermodynamic, elastic and magnetic properties of Cr2GeC under pressure and temperature, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (3) (2009) 033501.

11.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, P. Wu*, Nonmagnetic impurities induced magnetism in SnO2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321(2009) 3356-3359.

12.S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, Numerical test of generalized marginal stability theory for a planar interface during directional solidification, Scripta Materialia, 61 (2009) 485-488.

13.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, P. Wu*, Effect of intermetallics on electromigration and atomic diffusion in Cu/SnAg3.0Cu0.5/Cu joints: experimental and first principles study, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(6) (2009) 866-872.

14.L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Interfacial Reactions between Sn-8Zn-3Bi-xAg lead-free solders and Cu Substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482 (2009) 90-98.

15.W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, Q G. Song and P. Wu*, Structural, elastic and electronic properties of Al-Cu intermetallics from first-principles calculations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(2) (2009)356-364.

16.S. Li, P. Wu, H. Fukuda, T. Ando, Simulation of the Solidification of Gas-Atomized Sn-5mass%Pb Droplets, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499 (2009)396-403.

17.Q. Zhao, P. Wu, B. L. Li, Z. M. Lu and E. Y. Jiang, Activation of room-temperature ferromagnetism in nonstoichiometri TiO2?δ powders by oxygen vacancies, Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (7) (2008) 073911.

18.S. Li, P. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Ando, Kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation of gas-atomized Sn-5mass%Pb droplets, Materials Science and Engineering A, 473 (2008) 206-212.

19.D. Y. Peng, B. L. Li, X. L. Chen, E. Y. Jiang, H. L. Bai, Z. Q. Li and P. Wu*, Microstructure and thermal stability of Al-Ti alloys prepared by mechanical milling and reactive sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 50(1) (2007) 28-32.

20.Y. J. Li, P. Wu*, T. Ando, Continuous cooling transformation diagrams for the heterogeneous nucleation of Sn-5mass%Pb droplets catalyzed by surface oxidation, Materials Science and Engineering A, 419 (2006) 32-38.

21.P. Wu, T. Ando, Computation of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for the heterogeneous nucleation in Sn-5mass pct Pb droplets, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 36(1) (2005) 35-42.




















* 已毕业博士生5人,硕士生14人

赵倩-2009年6月博士毕业,现就职于内蒙古科技大学 副教授

李述-2010年6月博士毕业,现就职于哈尔滨理工大学 副教授



* 在读博士生5人,硕士生 8人

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