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  • 职称:教授
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:生物物理学/生物信息学
  • Email:fgao@tju.edu.cn
  • 课题组网址:
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​ 研究方向







1997年9月~2001年7月 天津大学理学院应用物理学专业 本科

2001年9月~2004年3月 天津大学理学院生物物理学专业 硕士 导师:张春霆 院士

2004年3月~2007年3月 天津大学理学院生物物理学专业 博士 导师:张春霆 院士


2007年4月~2009年6月 天津大学理学院应用物理系 讲师

2009年7月~2015年6月 天津大学理学院应用物理系 副教授

2015年7月~至今 天津大学理学院应用物理系 教授

2014年~至今 天津大学理学院应用物理系 博士生导师


受美国国立人类基因组研究所主任Eric Green 和苏黎世联邦理工学院教授 Ruedi Aebersold 邀请加入 Faculty of 1000 (F1000Prime: FACULTY MEMBER;现更名为Faculty Opinions),担任Genome Biology (影响因子12.3),Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics(影响因子9.5,入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊),Briefings in Bioinformatics (影响因子9.5), iMeta,Scientific Reports (影响因子4.6)Microbiology Spectrum (影响因子3.7),PLoS ONE (影响因子3.7),《基因组学与应用生物学》(中文核心期刊)等国内外杂志编委,Frontiers in Microbiology(影响因子5.2)、Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences(影响因子4.8)、BMC Microbiology(影响因子4.2)和 Frontiers in Genetics(影响因子3.7)杂志副主编,Briefings in Bioinformatics (主持专刊 Recent developments of software and database in microbial genomics and functional genomics,包括美国科学院院士Eugene Koonin、美国艺术与科学院院士Steven Salzberg等通讯作者论文13篇,累计SCI引用超过4900次)、Frontiers in Microbiology (主持专刊 DNA Replication Origins in Microbial Genomes ,论文篇均访问超万次;同主题专刊 Volume II、Volume III)和Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics (主持专刊 Artificial Intelligence in Omics,包括来自哈佛大学、丹娜-法伯癌症研究所、康奈尔大学以及清华大学、北京大学等国内外知名大学、研究所的15篇论文,相关论文入选Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics杂志Most popular和Most downloaded论文)特刊主编,Frontiers in Microbiology  (主持专刊 Insights in Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology: 2021,荣获Frontiers in Microbiology 杂志 Outstanding Research Topic 2022 证书;Insights in Evolutionary & Genomic Microbiology: 2022)客座编辑。作为SCI杂志编委已累计处理稿件300余篇(详见 Web of Science)。先后担任了国家重点研发计划评审专家,教育部科技奖励、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学科评估、国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家(评审各类国家基金九十余项),高校计算机专业优秀教师奖励计划评审专家,天津市人民政府学位委员会学科评议组成员,天津大学学位评定委员会分委会委员,中国生物信息学学会(筹)理事、多组学与整合生物学专委会常委,中国细胞生物学学会功能基因组信息学与系统生物学分会委员,中国医药生物技术协会生物医学信息技术分会委员,中国遗传学会生物大数据专业委员会委员,中国计算机学会杰出会员、计算机应用专业委员会委员,澳门生物信息学会理事,天津市人工智能学会理事等。受邀担任了Genome Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Briefings in Bioinformatics,Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics,Bioinformatics,PLOS Computational Biology 以及国内《中国科学》等八十余个SCI 刊物的审稿人(详见 Web of Science),连续担任五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会学术委员会/程序委员会委员、“微生物组学分析方法与应用”分会(第九届)召集人,第七届GPB组学与生物信息学前沿研讨会(GFS2023)组织委员会委员、 “人工智能与组学数据应用”专题召集人,第八届国际生物信息学论坛(The 8th International Bioinformatics Workshop) 程序委员会委员,IBW2010、CBC2016、NCCA2018、NCCA2020、NCCA2021、NCCA2022NCCA2023等会议的审稿专家。


Publication as Corresponding Author:

1. Huang, H, Yang, Z-L, Wu, X-M, Wang, Y, Liu, Y-J, Luo, H, Lv, X, Gan, Y-R, Song, S-D, Gao, F*: Complete genome sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii MDR-TJ and insights into its mechanism of antibiotic resistance. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2012, 67(12):2825-2832 (被Clinical Infectious Diseases、Gut Microbes等杂志SCI引用62次).

2. Gao, F*, Luo, H, Zhang, C-T*: DoriC 5.0: an updated database of oriC regions in both bacterial and archaeal genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 2013, 41(D1):D90-D93 (被Cell,Science,Nature,Nature Biotechnology, Nature methods等杂志SCI引用104次).

3. Gao, F*: Recent Advances in the identification of replication origins based on the Z-curve method. Current Genomics 2014, 15(2):104-112 (被The ISME Journal等杂志SCI引用15次).

4. Huang, H, Dong, Y, Yang, ZL, Luo, H, Zhang, X, Gao, F*: Complete sequence of pABTJ2, a plasmid from Acinetobacter baumannii MDR-TJ, carrying many phage-like elements. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2014, 12(4):172-177 (被Genome Biology等杂志SCI引用20次).

5. Luo, H, Zhang, C-T*, Gao, F*: Ori-Finder 2, an integrated tool to predict replication origins in the archaeal genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2014, 5:482 (被Microbiome等杂志SCI引用63次).

6. Peng, C, Gao, F*: Protein localization analysis of essential genes in prokaryotes. Scientific Reports 2014, 4:6001 (被PNAS、Briefings in Bioinformatics等杂志SCI引用48次).

7. Gao, F*: Bacteria may have multiple replication origins. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015, 6:324 (被Annual Review of Microbiology, Nature Communications等杂志SCI引用15次).

8. Huang, H, Song, C-C, Yang, Z-L, Dong, Y, Hu, Y-Z, Gao, F*: Identification of the replication origins from Cyanothece ATCC 51142 and their interactions with the DnaA protein: from in silico to in vitro studies. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015, 6:1370.

9. Jia, N, Du, J, Ding, M-Z, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J*: Genome sequence of Bacillus endophyticus and analysis of its companion mechanism in the Ketogulonigenium vulgare-Bacillus strain consortium. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(8):e0135104 (被Biotechnology advances等杂志SCI引用18次).

10. Peng, C, Luo, H, Zhang, X, Gao, F*: Recent advances in the genome-wide study of DNA replication origins in yeast. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015, 6:117 (SCI引用19次).

11. Zhang, X, Peng, C, Zhang, G, Gao, F*: Comparative analysis of essential genes in prokaryotic genomic islands. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:12561 (SCI引用9次).

12. Gao, F*: Editorial: DNA replication origins in microbial genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016, 6:1545 (SCI引用3次).

13. Jia, N, Ding, M-Z*, Du, J, Pan, C-H, Tian, G, Lang, J-D, Fang, J-H, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J: Insights into mutualism mechanism and versatile metabolism of Ketogulonicigenium vulgare Hbe602 based on comparative genomics and metabolomics studies. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:23068 (被Biotechnology advances等杂志SCI引用19次).

14. Jia, N, Ding, M-Z*, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J: Comparative genomics analysis of the companion mechanisms of Bacillus thuringiensis Bc601 and Bacillus endophyticus Hbe603 in bacterial consortium. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:28794 (SCI引用14次).

15. Jia, N, Ding, M-Z*, Du, Y-Z, Feng, S, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J: Complete genome sequence of the industrial bacterium Ketogulonicigenium vulgare SKV. Genome Announc 2016, 4(6):e01426-16 (SCI引用3次).

16. Jia, N, Ding, M-Z*, Luo, H, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J: Complete genome sequencing and antibiotics biosynthesis analysis of Streptomyces lydicus 103. Scientific Reports 2017, 7:44786 (SCI引用15次).

17. Jia, N, Ding, M-Z*, Zou, Y, Gao, F*, Yuan, Y-J: Comparative genomics and metabolomics analyses of the adaptation mechanism in Ketogulonicigenium vulgare-Bacillus thuringiensis consortium. Scientific Reports 2017, 7:46759 (被Biotechnology Advances等杂志SCI引10次).

18. Zhang, G, Gao, F*: Quantitative analysis of correlation between AT and GC biases among bacterial genomes. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(2):e0171408 (被Nucleic Acids Research等杂志SCI引用17次).

19. Peng, C, Lin, Y, Luo, H and Gao, F*: A comprehensive overview of online resources to identify and predict bacterial essential genes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2017, 8:2331 (被Briefings in Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics等杂志SCI引用30次).

20. Yang, Z-K, Gao, F*: The systematic analysis of ultraconserved genomic regions in the budding yeast. Bioinformatics 2018, 34(3):361-366.(SCI引用2次)

21. Yang, Z-K, Luo, H, Zhang, Y, Wang, B and Gao, F*: Recombinational DSBs-intersected genes converge on specific disease- and adaptability-related pathways. Bioinformatics 2018, 34(20):3421-3426.(新闻报道)

22. Yang, Z-K, Luo, H, Zhang, Y,Wang, B and Gao, F*: Pan-genomic analysisprovides novel insights into the association of E. coli with human host and its minimal genome. Bioinformatics 2019, 35(12):1987-1991 (被Nature Reviews Microbiology等杂志SCI引用15次).

23. Luo, H, Quan, C-L, Peng, C and Gao, F*: Recent development of Ori-Finder system and DoriC database for microbial replication origins. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2019, 20(4):1114–1124(被Trends in Biochemical Sciences、EMBO Journal等杂志SCI引用30次).

24. Gao, F*: Recent developments of software and database in microbial genomics and functional genomics. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2019, 20(2): 732–734.(新闻报道)(SCI引用4次)

25. Luo, H, Gao, F*: DoriC 10.0: an updated database of replication origins in prokaryotic genomes including chromosomes and plasmids. Nucleic Acids Research 2019, 47(D1):D74-D77 (被Annual Review of Microbiology、Genome Research、PLoS genetics等杂志SCI引用54次)(荣获2020全国博士后人工智能发展与应用论坛优秀奖).

26. Quan, C-L, Gao, F*: Quantitative analysis and assessment of base composition asymmetry and geneorientation bias in bacterial genomes. FEBS Letters 2019, 593(9):918-925 (SCI引用2次).

27. Wang, D and Gao, F*: Comprehensive Analysis of Replication Origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019, 10:2122 (SCI引用8次).

28. Gao,F*,Leonard, AC*: Editorial: DNA Replication Origins in Microbial Genomes, Volume 2. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019, 10:2416.

29. Bai, L, Zhang, S, Deng, Y, Song, C, Kang, G, Dong, Y, Wang, Y, Gao, F* & Huang, H*: Comparative genomics analysis of Acinetobacter haemolyticus isolates from sputum samples of respiratory patients. Genomics 2020, 112(4):2784-2793 (SCI引用6次).

30. Yan, F, Gao, F*: A systematic strategy for the investigation of vaccines and drugs targeting bacteria. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2020, 18:1525-1538 (SCI引用11次).

31. Wu, H, Wang, D, Gao, F*: Toward a high-quality pan-genome landscape of Bacillus subtilis by removal of confounding strains. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021, 22(2):1951-1971 (被Molecular Biology and Evolution、ISME Journal 、Nucleic Acids Research等杂志SCI引用26次).

32. Wang, D, Lai FL, Gao, F*: Ori-Finder 3: a web server for genome-wide prediction of replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021, 22(3): bbaa182 (SCI引用7次).

33. Luo, H, Lin, Y, Liu, T, Lai, F-L, Zhang, C-T, Gao, F*& Zhang, R*: DEG 15, an update of the Database of Essential Genes that includes built-in analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 49(D1):D677–D686 (被Biotechnology Advances、Nucleic Acids Research、JCI Insight 等杂志SCI引用69次,高被引论文).

34. Yan, F, Gao, F*: Comparison of the binding characteristics of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 RBDs to ACE2 at different temperatures by MD simulations. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021, 22(2):1122-1136 (被Chemical Reviews、Chemical Society Reviews、Cell Chemical Biology、Research等杂志SCI引用21次). (人民日报)(科技日报)(人民网)(光明网)(联合早报)(鳳凰华人资讯网)(前瞻网)

35. Liu, T, Luo, H*, Gao, F*: Position preference of essential genes in prokaryotic operons. PLoS ONE 2021, 16 (4):e0250380(被Nature Reviews Genetics杂志引用).

36. Pelliciari, S, Dong, M-J, Gao, F* and Murray H*, Evidence for a chromosome origin unwinding system broadly conserved in bacteria, Nucleic Acid Research 2021, 49(13):7525–7536.(新闻报道)

37. Yang, Z-K#*, Pan, L #, Zhang, Y#, Luo, H and Gao, F*, Data-driven identification of SARS-CoV-2 subpopulations using PhenoGraph and binary-coded genomic data, Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021, 22(6):bbab307 (#These authors contributed equally to this work) (SCI引用3次).(荣获2021年度广州市医学会医学优秀学术论文二等奖)(新闻报道)

38. Yan, F, Gao, F*: An overview of potential inhibitors targeting non-structural proteins 3 (PLpro and Mac1) and 5 (3CLpro/Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2021, 19:4868-4883 (SCI引用29次,热点文章).

39. Yan, F, Gao, F*:  EK1 with dual Q1004E/N1006I mutation: a promising fusion inhibitor for the HR1 domain of SARS-CoV-2, Journal of Infection 2022, 84(4):588-590. (被Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy等杂志SCI引用1次)

40. Lai, F-L, Gao, F*:  GC-Profile 2.0: an extended web server for the prediction and visualization of CpG islands, Bioinformatics 2022, 38 (6):1738-1740.

41. Li, P, Zhang, J, Deng, Z, Gao, F*, Ou, H-Y*:  Identification and characterization of a central replication origin of the mega-plasmid pSCATT of Streptomyces cattleya, Microbiological Research 2022, 257:126975.

42. Yang, T, Gao, F*: High-quality pan-genome of E. coli generated by excluding confounding and highly similar strains reveals an association between unique gene clusters and genomic islands, Briefings in Bioinformatics 2022, 23(4): bbac283. (SCI引用4次)

43. Gao, F*, Huang, K*, Xing, Y*: Artificial Intelligence in Omics, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2022, 20(5):811–813.

44. Dong, M-J#, Luo, H#, Gao, F*: Ori-Finder 2022: A Comprehensive Web Server for Prediction and Analysis of Bacterial Replication Origins, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2022, 20(6):1207-1213. (杂志公众号报道) (SCI引用6次)

45. Dong, M-J#, Luo, H#, Gao, F*: DoriC 12.0: an updated database of replication origins in both complete and draft prokaryotic genomes, Nucleic Acid Research 2023, 51(6):D117–D120.

46. Yan, F, Gao, F*:  RBD-ACE2 binding properties in five SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern with new perspectives in the design of pan-coronavirus peptide inhibitors, Journal of Infection 2023, 86(2):e51-e54.

47. Lai, F-L, Gao, F*: Auto-Kla: A novel web server to discriminate lysine lactylation sites using automated machine learning, Briefings in Bioinformatics 2023, 24(2):bbad070.(公众号报道)

48. Zhong, H-S, Dong, M-J, Gao, F*: G4Bank: A database of experimentally identified DNA G-quadruplex sequences, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 2023, 15:515–523.(杂志公众号报道)

49. Sun, B, Gao, F*: Investigation of escape mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sub-lineages and exploration of potential antibodies for XBB.1, Journal of Infection 2023, 87(4):354-357.

50. Perez-Rueda, E*, Gao,F*: Editorial: Insights in Evolutionary & Genomic Microbiology: 2022. Frontiers in Microbiology 2023, 14:1269933.

51. Lai, F-L, Gao, F*: LSA-ac4C: A hybrid neural network incorporating double-layer LSTM and self-attention mechanism for the prediction of N4-acetylcytidine sites in human mRNA, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 253:126837.

52. Liang, Y-T, Luo, H, Lin, Y, Gao, F*: Recent Advances in Characterization of Essential Genes and Development of the Database of Essential Genes,  iMeta, in press.

53. Yin, Z-N#, Lai, F-L#, Gao, F*: Unveiling human origins of replication using deep learning: accurate prediction and comprehensive analysis, Briefings in Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbad432.


Publication as First Author:

1. Gao, F, Ou, H-Y, Chen, L-L, Zheng, W-X, Zhang, C-T: Prediction of proteinase cleavage sites in polyproteins of coronaviruses and its applications in analyzing SARS-CoV genomes. FEBS Letters 2003, 553(3):451-456.(央视新闻报道)(科技日报)(教育部网站)(科学时报)(被Chemical Reviews, PLOS Pathogens, Journal of Virology (9) 等杂志SCI引用72次)

2. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Comparison of various algorithms for recognizing short coding sequences of human genes. Bioinformatics 2004, 20(5):673-681.(被Genome Research、eLife、MBE等杂志SCI引用48次,论文还多次被Duke University, MIT等国际知名高校的学位论文所引用)

3. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: GC-Profile: a web-based tool for visualizing and analyzing the variation of GC content in genomic sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 2006, 34(W1):W686-W691(被Nature Reviews Microbiology等杂志SCI引用120次,论文还被Springer、Cambridge University Press等出版社的13本英文专著所引用).

4. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Isochore structures in the chicken genome. FEBS Journal 2006, 273(8):1637-1648 (SCI引用6次).

5. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: DoriC: a database of oriC regions in bacterial genomes. Bioinformatics 2007, 23(14):1866-1867 (被Nature、Seminars in Cancer Biology、FEMS Microbiol Rev 等杂志SCI引用72次).

6. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Origins of replication in Cyanothece 51142. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008, 105(52):E125 (被Current opinion in microbiology等杂志SCI引用13次).

7. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Prediction of replication time zones at single nucleotide resolution in the human genome. FEBS Letters 2008, 582(16):2441-2444.

8. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Origins of replication in Sorangium cellulosum and Microcystis aeruginosa. DNA Research 2008, 15(3):169-171 (SCI引用5次).

9. Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Ori-Finder: A web-based system for finding oriCs in unannotated bacterial genomes. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:79 (ESI高被引论文,被Cell、Nature、Nature Microbiology、Nature Reviews Methods Primers、Cell Host & Microbe、The ISME Journal、PNAS  等杂志SCI引用218次).

10. Gao, F, Wang, Y, Liu, Y-J, Wu, X-M, Lv, X, Gan, Y-R, Song, S-D, Huang, H: Genome Sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii MDR-TJ. Journal of Bacteriology 2011, 193(9):2365-2366 (SCI引用21次).

11. Gao, F, Zhang, RR: Enzymes are enriched in bacterial essential genes. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(6):e21683 (SCI引用12次).

12. Gao, F#, Lin, Y#, Zhang, RR: RNA-DNA differences are rarer in proto-oncogenes than in tumor suppressor genes. Scientific Reports 2012, 2:245 (#These authors contributed equally to this work) (SCI引用2次).

13. Gao, F, Luo, H, Zhang, C-T: DeOri: a database of eukaryotic DNA replication origins. Bioinformatics 2012, 28(11):1551-1552 (被Molecular Cell、Cell Reports等杂志SCI引用26次).

14. Gao, F, Luo, H, Fu, Z, Zhang, C-T, Zhang, R: Exome sequencing identifies novel ApoB loss-of-function mutations causing hypobetalipoproteinemia in type 1 diabetes. Acta Diabetologica 2015, 52(3):531-537.

15. Wei, W#, Gao, F#, Du, M-Z, Hua, H-L, Wang, J, Guo, F-B: Zisland Explorer: detect genomic islands by combining homogeneity and heterogeneity properties. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2017, 18(3):357-366 (#These authors contributed equally to this work) (被FEMS Microbiology Reviews等杂志SCI引用33次).



1. Gao F, Luo H, Zhang CT, Zhang R*. (2015) Gene Essentiality Analysis Based on DEG 10, an Updated Database of Essential Genes. In: Lu L. (eds) Gene Essentiality. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1279. Humana Press, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2398-4_14 (被Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Communications等杂志SCI引用27次).

2. Wu H, Yang ZK, Yang T, Wang D, Luo H, Gao F*. (2022) An Effective Preprocessing Method for High-Quality Pan-Genome Analysis of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. In: Zhang R. (eds) Essential Genes and Genomes. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2377. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1720-5_21

3. Gao, F ed.: DNA replication origins in microbial genomes. Lausanne: Frontiers Media 2016, doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-779-8(新闻报道).

4. Gao, F., Leonard, A. C., eds. DNA Replication Origins in Microbial Genomes, Volume 2. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA 2019. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-245-9.


Other Publication:

1. Chen, L-L, Gao, F: Detection of nucleolar organizer and mitochondrial DNA insertion regions based on the isochore map of Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Journal 2005, 272(13):3328-3336.

2. Zhang, C-T, Gao, F, Zhang, R: Segmentation algorithm for DNA sequences. Physical Review E 2005, 72(4):041917.

3. Zheng, W-X, Chen, L-L, Ou, H-Y, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Coronavirus phylogeny based on a geometric approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2005, 36(2):224-232.

4. Lin, Y, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Functionality of essential genes drives gene strand-bias in bacterial genomes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010, 396(2):472-476.

5. Yang, Z-G, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Comparison of Journal Self-Citation Rates between Some Chinese and Non-Chinese International Journals. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(11):e49001.

6. Zhang, R, Yao, F, Gao, F, Abou-Samra, AB: Nrac, a novel nutritionally-regulated adipose and cardiac-enriched gene. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(9):e46254.

7. Luo, H, Lin, Y, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T, Zhang, R: DEG 10, an update of the database of essential genes that includes both protein-coding genes and noncoding genomic elements. Nucleic Acids Research 2014, 42(D1):D574-D580(ESI高被引论文)(被Science、Nature Biotechnology 、Nature Reviews Genetics Cell Research等杂志SCI引用337次).

8. Zhang, R, Ou, H-Y, Gao, F, Luo, H: Identification of horizontally-transferred genomic islands and genome segmentation points by using the GC profile method. Current Genomics 2014, 15(2):113-121.

9. Luo, H, Gao, F, Lin, Y: Evolutionary conservation analysis between the essential and nonessential genes in bacterial genomes. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:13210.

10. Zhang, C, Gao, F, Luo, H, Zhang, C-T, Zhang, R: Differential response in levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol to one-year metformin treatment in prediabetic patients by race/ethnicity. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2015, 14(1):79.

11. Zhang, C, Luo, H, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T, Zhang, R: A reduction in both visceral and subcutaneous fats contributes to increased adiponectin by lifestyle intervention in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Acta Diabetologica 2015, 52(3):625-628.

12. Wu, Y, Li, B-Z, Zhao, M, ... Gao, F, ... Yuan, Y-J: Bug mapping and fitness testing of chemically synthesized chromosome X. Science 2017, 355(6329):eaaf4706 (被Science、Nature 、Nature chemistry、Nature Reviews Genetics、Annual Review of Biochemistry等杂志SCI引118次).

13. Xu, XJ, Hao, LL, Zhu, JW, ... Gao, F, ... Xu, HD: Database resources of the BIG Data Center in 2018. Nucleic Acids Res 2018, 46(Database issue):D14-D20(被 Science、Nature Biotechnology、Advanced Science、Science Advances 等杂志SCI引用83次,ESI高被引论文).

14. Zhang, Z, Zhao, WM, Xiao, JF, ... Gao, F, ...  Deng, WK, Database Resources of the BIG Data Center in 2019.Nucleic Acids Res 2019, 47(D1):D8-D14(被Plant Cell 等杂志SCI引用84次,ESI高被引论文).

15. Wu XL, Bi YH, Gao F, Xie ZX, Li X, ZhouX, Ma DJ, Li BZ, Yuan YJ. The effect of autonomously replicating sequences ongene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2019, 149:107250.

16. Zhang, Z, Zhao, WM, Xiao, JF, ... Gao, F, ...  Peng, D. Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center in 2020. Nucleic Acids Research 2020, 48(D1):D24-D33(被Nature Metabolism、Cancer Cell 等杂志SCI引用130次,ESI高被引论文).

17. Xue, Y, Bao, Y, Zhang, Z, ... Gao, F, ... Li, X, DatabaseResources of the National Genomics Data Center, China National Center forBioinformation in 2021. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 49(D1):D18–D28(被SCI引用74次,ESI高被引论文).

18. Xue Y, Bao Y, Zhang Z, ... Gao, F, ... Li, X. Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center, China National Center for Bioinformation in 2022. Nucleic Acids Research 2022, 50(D1), D27-D38(被SCI引用13次).

19. Yero, D, Jia, B, Gao, F. Editorial: Insights in Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology: 2021. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022, 13:915593.

20. Xue Y, Bao Y, Zhang Z, ... Gao, F et al. Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center, China National Center for Bioinformation in 2023. Nucleic Acids Research 2023, 51(D1), D18–D28.

21. Cao Y, Chen L, Chen H, ... Gao, F et al. Was Wuhan the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic? – A critique. National Science Review 2023, 10(4), nwac287.



1. 高峰*. 熵概念及其在生物学中的应用. 物理通报, 2014, 4: 117-119.

2. 张怡,董美敬,高峰*. 原核生物染色体多复制起始点的研究进展. 生命的化学, 2021, 41(11): 2394-2400, doi: 10.13488/j.smhx.20210351.


主要从事微生物基因组生物信息学与合成生物学研究,已在Science等刊物发表SCI论文87篇(ESI高被引论文8篇,热点论文2篇)。所有论文获Google Scholar 3750余次引用,h 指数31(SCI引用2850余次),并被100余本国际英文专著所引用。在影响因子3以上刊物发表第一(通讯)作者SCI论文64篇(影响因子5以上44篇,含9.5以上22篇; Nucleic Acids Research、Briefings in Bioinformatics和Bioinformatics 系列23篇;SCI引用50次以上的有10篇,包括超过100次的有3篇)。在Nucleic Acids Research(4篇), PNAS,  Briefings in Bioinformatics(7篇), Bioinformatics(7篇), Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics等国际知名学术刊物上发表唯一第一(通讯)作者SCI论文50篇,在Nucleic Acids Research(2篇), Briefings in Bioinformatics(2篇)等杂志发表双通讯(14篇)、双共一(2篇)SCI论文16篇。作为第一(通讯)作者先后为Springer出版社的Methods in Molecular Biology系列丛书撰写了2个章节,作为客座主编出版专刊书籍两本。第一(通讯)作者论文被Science,Nature,Cell,Nature Reviews Microbiology, Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Reviews Methods Primers, Nature Biotechnology, Nature methods, Nature Microbiology 等杂志SCI引用1500余次,获Science、Nature等期刊论文引用及佐证,相关成果得到中央电视台、《人民日报》、《科技日报》等国家级媒体报道,以及70余本国际英文专著、教材、辞典、百科全书等引用。从2007年参加工作起一直从事基因组复制起始点的相关研究,系统建立和发展了细菌、古菌、酵母基因组复制起始点预测软件和数据库。其中,系列预测软件Ori-Finder(单篇最高SCI引用220次,曾入选ESI高被引论文)以及数据库DoriC(单篇最高SCI引用100余次)累计SCI引用500余次。Ori-Finder已经成功应用于Cell (Hackl et al., Cell, 2023)、Nature (Graf et al., Nature, 2021)、Nature Microbiology  (Needham et al., Nature Microbiology, 2022) 等刊物发表新测序基因组的复制起始点预测。美国科学院院士、美国工程院院士、哈佛医学院遗传学系教授George M. Church 课题组在Nature Reviews Methods Primers的综述论文中,推荐Ori-Finder作为复制弧(replichore)识别的工具。以色列威茨曼研究所的Eran Segal教授课题组 (Korem et al., Science, 2015) 发现其实验结果与数据库DoriC中关于上百株肠道微生物复制起始点的预测结果具有高度一致性 (R2 = 0.98, P < 10−30)。英国纽卡斯尔大学的Heath Murray教授课题组在模式生物枯草芽孢杆菌的研究中发现,位于染色体复制起始点解旋区内的重复性三核苷酸基序(DnaA-trios)是复制起始蛋白DnaA打开DNA双螺旋所必需的元件,在DoriC数据库预测复制起始点中普遍存在 (Richardson et al., Nature, 2016)。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目(5项)、国家重点研发计划课题(课题经费1091万)。


入选2022全球前2%顶尖科学家终身科学影响力榜单(Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List;同时入选“终身科学影响力排行榜(1960-2022)”和“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”两个榜单)、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”“天津市131创新型人才培养工程”和天津大学“北洋青年学者计划”。曾获中国青少年科技创新奖,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖,天津市优秀硕士学位论文、天津大学优秀博士/硕士学位论文指导教师,多次荣获天津大学本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师称号在学期间先后荣获“刘永龄奖学金”、“宝钢教育基金优秀学生奖”、“武田奖学金”、“荣智健奖学金”、“三星奖学金”,并获“天津大学学生科学奖”、“天津大学跨世纪优秀青年”等荣誉称号。荣获Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB) 杂志卓越编委奖 Distinguished Editorial Board Member Award (2003-2023),Frontiers in Microbiology 杂志杰出编辑奖 Outstanding Editor Award,PLOS ONE 杂志 Long Service Award,Scientific Reports杂志访谈获Nature杂志公众号报道、并列入Scientific Reports Editorial Board Highlights。




1.主持国家重点研发计划课题,课题名称为“大肠杆菌基因组的理性设计与化学合成 ”(课题编号: 2018YFA0903702),课题经费1091万,执行期限为2019 .7-2024.6,课题负责人。






4.主持教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(项目编号:NCET-12-0396),资助经费50 万元,执行期限为2013.1-2015.12,负责人,已结题。


6.参加国家自然基金(重大研究项目),项目名称为“人与其它高等真核生物全基因组中的Isochore结构研究” (项目编号:90408028),资助经费40万元,执行期限为2005.1-2007.12,主要参与人,已结题。



2021级博士研究生 赖飞燎

2022级博士研究生 殷振宁

2023级博士研究生 赵晓宇

2021级研究生 梁雅婷(东北大学保研)

2022级研究生 李宇杰(内蒙古大学保研) 孙博

2023级研究生 曹淑媛(中国农业大学保研)耿钰清(河南工业大学保研)




2013级研究生张曦,2016年硕士毕业,加拿大西安大略大学(Western University)理学院生物系读博,获全额奖学金资助。




2017级博士研究生王丹 (读博期间曾赴 Université Nice Sophia Antipolis 法国尼斯大学  Gianni LITI教授研究组交流半年),2020年博士毕业,天津医科大学工作(讲师)。


2018级研究生刘淘 (延边大学保研),2021年硕士毕业,天津南开日新国际学校,教师。


2019级研究生张怡 (河北大学保研),2022年硕士毕业,北京诺禾致源科技股份有限公司工作。


2020级博士研究生 董美敬,2023年博士毕业(毕业论文荣获天津大学2023年优秀博士学位论文),天津医科大学工作(讲师)。

2020级研究生 钟鸿昇 (天津大学保研),2023年硕士毕业。


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