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  • 职称:教授
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:半导体光子学, 激光
  • Email:tinggegao@tju.edu.cn
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2018-         天津大学
2014-2017 非线性物理中心、物理和工程研究学院、澳大利亚国立大学
2010-2014 欧盟玛丽居里“克莱蒙特4”半导体微腔项目、希腊克里特大学 
2008-2009 德国波恩大学访问交流 
2005-2008 北京大学物理学院
2001-2005 北京师范大学物理系
国家高层次青年人才入选人,天津大学北洋学者,Nature, Nature Communications, PRL 审稿人







34. Single-shot spatial instability and electric control of polariton condensates at room temperature, Physics Review B 108, 205303 (2023).
Ying Gao, Xuekai Ma, Xiaokun Zhai, Chunzi Xing, Meini Gao, Haitao Dai, Hao Wu, Tong Liu, Yuan Ren, Xiao Wang, Anlian Pan, Wei Hu, Stefan Schumacher, and Tingge Gao

33. Electrically controlling vortices in a neutral exciton polariton condensate at room temperature,  Physics Review Letters 2023 
Xiaokun Zhai,Xuekai Ma, Ying Gao, Chunzi Xing, Meini Gao, HaitaoDai, Xiao Wang, Anlian Pan, Stefan Schumacher and Tingge Gao

32. Tuning anisotropy of an organic DSB semiconductor in a microcavity, Applied Physics Express 2023
 Liu, C ; Gao, Y ; Feng, ZF ; Xing, CZ ; Zhai, XK; Dai, HT  Wu, H ; Liu, T ; Ren, Y; Gao, TG 

31. Switching Off a Microcavity Polariton Condensate near the Exceptional Point, ACS Photonics 2022 
Yao Li, Xuekai Ma, Zaharias Hatzopoulos, Pavlos G. Savvidis, Stefan Schumacher, and Tingge Gao 

30. Engineering WS2 exciton polarization by an anisotropic organic substrate, Journal of Applied Physics 2022
An, ZY; Ai, Q; Chen, HT; Wang, X; Gao, TG 

29. Controlling exciton distribution in WS2 monolayer on a photonic crystal, Applied Physics Express 2022
Zhang, X; Chen, ZS; Liu, D; Wan, L; Ma, XK; Gao, TG

28. Enhancing excitons by oleic acid treatment in WS2, MoS2, and WS2/MoS2 heterostructure, Applied Physics Express 2022
Wang, YS ; Zhai, XK; Feng, LF; Gao, TG 

27. Localization of anisotropic exciton polaritoncondensates in perovskite microcavities, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 000000 (2022)
Honghao Li,Qiang Ai, Yao Li, Xiaokun Zhai, Tong Liu, Yuan Ren, and Tingge Gao

26. Tilting nondispersive bands in an empty microcavity, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2022
Ying Gao, Yao Li, Xuekai Ma, Meini Gao, Haitao Dai, Stefan Schumacher, Tingge Gao

25. Multicolor Biexciton Lasers Based on 2D Perovskite Single Crystalline Flakes, Advanced Optical Materials 2022
He, XX; Gong, H ; Huang, H ; Li, Y; Ren, JH ; Li, Y; Liao, Q; Gao, TG ; Fu, HB 

24.  Manipulating polariton condensates by Rashba-Dresselhaus  coupling at room temperature, Nature Communications, 2022
Yao Li, Xuekai Ma, Xiaokun Zhai, Meini Gao, Haitao Dai, Stefan Schumacher, and Tingge Gao

23. Spiraling vortices in exciton-polariton condensates, Physical Review B 2021 
Ma, Xuekai; Kartashov, Yaroslav, V ; Gao, Tingge ; Torner, Lluis ; Schumacher, Stefan 

22. Efficient Bosonic Condensation of Exciton Polaritons in an H-Aggregate Organic Single-Crystal Microcavity, Nano letter 2021 
Ren, Jiahuan; Liao, Qing; Huang, Han ; Li, Yao; Gao, Tingge ; Ma, Xuekai ; Schumacher, Stefan ; Yao, Jiannian ; Bai, Shuming ; Fu, Hongbing 

21. Revealing Excitonic and Electron-Hole Plasma States in Stimulated Emission of Single CsPbBr3 Nanowires at Room Temperature, PhysRevApplied 2020 
He, Mai ; Jiang, Ying; Liu, Qingbo; Luo, Ziyu ; Ouyang, Chenxing  ; Wang, Xiaoxia; Zheng, Weihao; Braun, Kai ; Meixner, Alfred J. ; Gao, Tingge ; Wang, Xiao; Pan, Anlian 

20. Controllable high-speed polariton waves in a PT-symmetric lattice, New journal of Physics 2020 
Ma, Xuekai.,  Kartashov, Yaroslav Y. ; Gao, Tingge ; Schumacher, Stefan 

19.  Spin splitting in a MoS2 monolayer induced by exciton interaction, Physical Review B, 2020, 102(4)
Li, Yao; Li, Guangyao; Zhai, Xiaokun; Xiong, Shifu; Liu, Hongjun; Wang, Xiao; Chen, Haitao; Gao, Ying; Zhang, Xiu; Liu, Tong; Ren, Yuan; Ma, Xuekai; Fu, Hongbing; Gao, Tingge

18. Room temperature exciton-polaritons in high-quality 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites (BA)(2)(MA)(n-1)PbnI3n+1 (n = 3, 4), Appl. Phys. Lett. 2020
Ouyang, Chenxing ; Li, Yao ; Fu, Xianwei ; Zeng, Zhouxiaosong ; Huang, Lanyu ; Liu, Siman; Wang, Xiao ; Gao, Tingge; Pan, Anlian 

17. Direct measurement of polariton-polariton interaction strength in the Thomas-Fermi regime of exciton-polariton condensation, Physical Review B 2019
 Estrecho, E.; Gao, T.; Bobrovska, N. ; Comber-Todd, D. ; Fraser, M. D. ; Steger, M. ; West, K. ; Pfeiffer, L. N.; Levinsen, J. ; Parish, M. M. ; Liew, T. C. H. ; Matuszewski, M.; Snoke, D. W. ; Truscott, A. G. ; Ostrovskaya, E. A. 

16.  Controlled Ordering of Topological Charges in an Exciton-Polariton Chain, Physics Review Letters 121, 225302(2018) 
T.Gao ; Egorov; Estrecho; Winkler; Kamp; Schneider; Hofling; Truscott; Ostrovskaya 

15.  Chiral Modes at Exceptional Points in Exciton-Polariton Quantum Fluids, Physics Review Letters 120, 065301(2018) 
Tingge Gao, Guangyao Li, Eli Estrecho, Tim Liew, Daniel Comber-Todd, Anton Nalitov, M. Steger, Ken. West, Loren. Pfeiffer, David. Snoke, Alexey. Kavokin, Andrew Truscott and Elena. Ostrovskaya 

14.  Single-shot condensation of exciton polaritons and the hole burning effect, Nature Communications 9,2944(2018)
Estrecho, E; Gao, T ; Bobrovska, N; Fraser, MD; Steger, M; Pfeiffer, L ; West, K; Liew, TCH ; Matuszewski, M ; Snoke, DW ; Truscott, AG; Ostrovskaya, EA

13.  Enhanced directional emission from monolayer WSe2 integrated onto a multi-resonant silicon-based photonic structure, ACS Photonics 4 , 3031(2017), 
Haitao Chen, Stefan Nanz, Aimi Abass, Jingshi Yan, Tingge Gao, Duk-Yong Choi, Yuri S Kivshar, Carsten Rockstuhl, Dragomir Neshev*

12. Talbot Effect for Exciton Polaritons, Physics Review Letters 117, 097403 (2016) 
Tingge. Gao, Eli. Estrecho, Guangyao. Li, Oleg. Egorov, Xuekai. Ma, Koral. Winkler, Martin. Kamp, Christian. Schneider, Sevn. Höfling, Andrew. Truscott, and Elena.  Ostrovskaya* 

11. Visualising Berry phase and diabolical points in a quantum exciton-polariton billiard, Scientific Reports 6, 37653 (2016)  
Eli. Estecho, Tingge. Gao, Sebestian. Brodbeck, Martin. Kamp, Christian. Schneider, Sevn. Höfling, Andrew. Truscott, and Elena. Ostrovskaya* 

10. Observation of non-Hermitian degeneracies in a chaotic exciton-polariton billiard, Nature 526, 554(2015)
Tingge. Gao, Eli. Estrecho, K.Y. Bliokh, Tim. Liew, Michael. Fraser,  Sebestian. Brodbeck,  Martin. Kamp,  Schneider. Schneider, Sevn. Höfling, Yoshihisa . Yamamoto, Frank. Nori, Yuri. Kivshar, Andrew. Truscott, Robert. Dall, Elena. Ostrovskaya*

9. Spin Selective Filtering of Polariton Condensate Flow, Applied Physics Letters 107, 011106 (2015) 
Tingge Gao, Carlos Antón, Tim Liew, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Luis Viña, Peter Eldridge,  Pavlos Savvidis*

8. Polariton condensate transistor switch, Physical Review B 85, 235102 (2012) 
Tingge Gao, Peter Eldridge, Tim Liew, Simos Tsintzos, George Stavrinidis, George. Deligeorgis, ZachariasHatzopoulos, and Pavlos Savvidis* 

7. Sculpting oscillators with light within a nonlinear quantum fluid, Nature Physics 8, 190 (2012)
Guilherme Tosi, Gabriel Christmann, Natalia Berloff, Panos Tsotsis, Tingge Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, Pavlos Savvidis, Jemerry Baumberg* 

6. Geometrically-locked vortex lattices in semiconductor quantum fluids, Nature Communication 3, 1243 (2012)
Guilherme Tosi, Gabriel Christmann, Natalia Berloff, Panos Tsotsis, Tingge Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, Pavlos Savvidis, Jemerry Baumberg* 

5. Collective state transitions of exciton-polaritons loaded into a periodic potential, Phys. Rev. B 93, 121303(R) (2016) 
Koral. Winkler, Oleg. Egorov, Ivan. Savenko, Xuekai. Ma, Eli. Estrecho, Tingge. Gao, S. Müller, Martin. Kamp, Tim. Liew, Elena. Ostrovskaya, Sevn. Höfling, Christian. Schneider* 

4. Optical control of spin textures in quasi-one-dimensional polariton condensates, Physical Review B 91, 075305 (2015) 
Carlos. Antón, Skender Morina, Tingge. Gao, Peter Eldridge, Tim. Liew, Manuela. Martin, Zacharias. Hatzopoulos, Pavlos. Savvidis, and Luis. Viña* 

3. Energy relaxation of exciton-polariton condensates in quasi-1D microcavities Physical Review B 88, 035313 (2013) 
Carlos. Antón, Tim. Liew, Guilherme. Tosi, Manuela. Martín, Tingge Gao, Zacharias. Hatzopoulos, Peter. Eldridge, Pavlos. Savvidis, Luis. Viña* 

2. Dynamics of a polariton condensate transistor switch, Applied Physics Letters 101, 261116 (2012) 
C. Anton, T. C. H. Liew, G. Tosi, M. D. Martin, T. Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. S. Eldridge , P. G. Savvidis, L. Viña* 

1. Doubled lasing threshold at the crossover from strong to weak coupling regime in GaAs microcavity, New Journal of Physics 14, 023060 (2012)
P. Tsotsis, P. S. Eldridge, T. Gao, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis* 

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