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  • 职称: 副教授
  • 出生年月:
  • 专业:材料物理与化学、凝聚态物理
  • Email:khgao@tju.edu.cn
  • 课题组网址:
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1. K.H. Gao, Q.W. Wang, T. Lin, Z. Q. Li, X. H. Zhang, J. Xu, H.Y. Deng, and J.H. Chu, Large magnetoresistance in (In,Zn)As/InAs p-n junction, EPL 102, 37009 (2013).

2. K.H. Gao, Q.W. Wang, G. Yu, T. Lin, H.Y. Deng, N. Dai, and J.H. Chu, Magnetotransport properties of (In,Zn)As/InAs p-n junctions, Applied Physics Letters 98, 142110 (2011).

3.K.H. Gao, W.Z. Zhou, Y.M. Zhou, G. Yu, T. Lin, S.L. Guo, J.H. Chu, N. Dai, Y. Gu, Y.G. Zhang, and D.G. Austing, Magnetoresistance in high-density two-dimensional electron gas confined in InAlAs/InGaAs quantum well” Applied Physics Letters 94, 152107 (2009).

4.K.H. Gao, G. Yu, Y.M. Zhou, W.Z. Zhou, T. Lin, J.H. Chu, N. Dai, D.G. Austing, Y. Gu, and Y.G. Zhang, Experimental study of weak antilocalization effects in two-dimensional system: Anomalous dephasing rate, Physical Review B 79, 085310 (2009).

5.K.H. Gao, Z.Q. Li, T. Du, E.Y. Jiang, Y.X. Li, Ferromagnetic properties of bulk Cu1?xMnxO magnetic semiconductors. Physical Review B 75, 174444 (2007).

6.K.H. Gao, G. Yu, Y.M. Zhou, L.M. Wei, T. Lin, L.Y. Shang, L. Sun, R. Yang, W.Z. Zhou, N. Dai, J.H. Chu, D.G. Austing, Y. Gu, and Y.G. Zhang, Insulator-quantum Hall conductor transition in high electron density gated InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 063701 (2010).

7.K.H. Gao, G. Yu, Y.M. Zhou, W.Z. Zhou, T. Lin, J.H. Chu, N. Dai, A.J. SpringThorpe, and D. G. Austing, Transport properties of AlGaAs/GaAs parabolic quantum wells, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013712 (2009).

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