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  • 职称:副教授
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  • Email:pfxing@tju.edu.cn
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2009.08至今 讲师 天津大学理学院物理系

2004.9-2009.7 山东大学物理学院 硕博连读


1、FENG Lie-Feng, LI Yang, LI Ding, WANG Cun-Da, ZHANG Guo-Yi, YAO Dong-Sheng, LIU Wei-Fang, XING Peng-Fei, Chinese Physics Letters, 28, 107801 (2011).

2、Wei Zhou, Pengfei Xing, Lijuan Liu and Ping Wu, “Ferromagnetism in nitrogen-doped cubic ZrO2: Density-functional investigations”, Scripta Materialia, 63, 776 (2010).

3、P. F. Xing, Y. X. Chen, Shi-Shen Yan, G. L. Liu, L. M. Mei, and Z. Zhang, “Tunable ferromagnetism by oxygen vacancies in Fe-doped In2O3 magnetic semiconductor”, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 043039 (2009).

4、XING Peng-Fei, CHEN Yan-Xue, TANG Min-Jian, YAN Shi-Shen, LIU Guo-Lei, MEI Liang-Mo, JIAO Jun, “Room-Temperature Anisotropic Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped In2O3 Heteroepitaxial Films”, Chinese Physics Letters, 26, 117503 (2009).

5、P. F. Xing, Y. X. Chen, Shi-ShenYan, G. L. Liu, L. M. Mei, K. Wang, X. D. Han, and Z. Zhang, “High temperature ferromagnetism and perpendicular anisotropy in Fe-doped In2O3 films”, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 022513 (2008).

6、G. L. Liu, Q. Cao, J. X. Deng, P. F. Xing, Y. F. Tian, Y. X. Chen, S. S. Yan, and L. M. Mei, “High TC ferromagnetism of Zn(1?x)CoxO diluted magnetic semiconductors grown by oxygen plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 052504 (2007).

7、Y. F. Tian, Shi-shen Yan, Y. P. Zhang, P. F. Xing, G. L. Liu, Y. X. Chen and L. M. Mei, “Electronic transport of (In1-xFex)2O3-γmagnetic semiconductor and Fe-In2O3 granular films in the presence of electronic screening”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19, 326206 (2007).




“p型导电的氮掺杂氧化铟薄膜中的d0铁磁性及p-In2(OxN1-x)3/n-In2O3异质结的特性研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目;项目经费:22元;执行期间:2011年1月—2013年12月.

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