39. Y. Li, W. Sun, X. Liu*. A new strategy for sound source localization in three-dimensional space based on the intrinsic asymmetry of memristive neuron circuits, in preparation.
38. W. Sun, Y. Li, X. Liu*. Design of a biomimetic spider web sensor using memristive oscillator, in preparation.
37. Y. Bo, Y. Zai, Z. Luo, X. Liu*. Amplifier based on NbOx volatile memristor, in preparation.
36. 刘新军,王瑜,陈奕霖,廖怡,张玉杭,张金凤,张亦文,庞海,戴海涛,塑料沙彩色光圈现象及其色散特性分析,物理实验,(二次审稿中).
35. 刘新军,肖志博,刘宇浩,陈奕霖,丁锐锋,李乐,张亦文,通过旋转三棱镜获得凹锥透镜研究环形彩虹, 物理实验, 44(6), 2024.
34. 刘新军, 阳光透过鱼缸投射出4级彩虹的光路分析, 物理实验, 42(6), 14-20, 2022.
33. 刘新军, 阳光透过鱼缸在室内墙上投射出米级亮丽彩虹, 物理实验, 42(5), 23-39, 2022.
32. X. Liu*, P. Zhang, S.K. Nath, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, R.G. Elliman. Understanding composite negative differential resistance in niobium oxide memristors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55, 105106 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac3bf4
31. Z. Luo, Y. Bo, S.M. Sadaf, X. Liu*. Van der Pol oscillator based on NbO2 volatile memristor: A simulation analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 054501, (2022).
30. Y. Bo, P. Zhang, Z. Luo, S. Li, J. Song, and X. Liu*. NbO2 Memristive Neurons for Burst-Based Perceptron, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2, 2000066 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202000066;X. Liu, Artificial neural networks built with memristive neurons, Advanced Science News, based on the article from Advanced Intelligent Systems (2020). https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/artificial-neural-networks-built-with-memristive-neurons/
29. Y. Bo, P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Song, S. Li, and X. Liu*, Spiking dynamic behaviours of NbO2 memristive neurons: A model study, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 245101, (2020). [Featured Article] https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0004139
28. S. Li, X. Liu*, S.K. Nandi, S.K. Nath, and R.G. Elliman*. Origin of current-controlled negative differential resistance modes and the emergence of composite characteristics with high complexity, Advanced Functional Materials, 1905060, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201905060
27. P. Zhang, S. Li, Y.H. Bo, and X. Liu*. Collective dynamics of capacitively coupled oscillators based on NbO2 memristors, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 125112, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116777
26. S. Li, X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, and R.G. Elliman. Anatomy of filamentary threshold switching in amorphous niobium oxide, Nanotechnology, 29, 375705, (2018).
25. S.K. Nandi, S. Li, X. Liu, and R.G. Elliman. Temperature dependent frequency tuning of NbOx relaxation oscillators, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 202901, (2017).
24. S. Li, X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Coupling dynamics of Nb/Nb2O5 relaxation oscillators, Nanotechnology, 28, 125201, (2017).
23. X. Liu(刘新军), S. Li, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Threshold switching and electrical self-oscillation in niobium oxide films, Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 124102, (2016).
22. S.K. Nandi, X. Liu , D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Self-assembly of an NbO2interlayer and configurable resistive switching in Pt/Nb/HfO2/Pt structures, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 132901, (2015).
21. S. Li, X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. High-endurance megahertz electrical self-oscillations in Ti/NbOx bilayer structures, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 212902, (2015).
20. X. Liu(刘新军), S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, K. Belay, S. Song, and R.G. Elliman. Reduced threshold current in NbO2 selector by engineering device structure, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35,1055-1057, (2014).
19. X. Liu,S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, S. Li, K. Belay, and R.G. Elliman. Finite element modellingof resistive switching in Nb2O5-based memory device, Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices (COMMAD), P280-282 (2014).
18. X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, S. Park, S. Kim, E. Cha, D. Lee, G.-Y. Jung, and H. Hwang. Complementary resistive switching in niobium oxide-based resistive memory devices, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34, 235-237, (2013).
17. X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, S. Kim, K.P. Biju, X. Cao, M. Son, S.H. Choudhury, G.-Y. Jung, H. Hwang. Improvement of resistive switching uniformity by introducing a thin NbOx interface layer, ECS Solid State Letters, 1, Q35-Q38, (2012).
16. X. Liu, K.P. Biju, J. Park, S. Park, J. Shin, I. Kim, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Low power and controllable memory window in Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Yttria-stabilized Zirconia/W resistive random-access memory devices, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12, 3252-3255, (2012).
15. X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Park, J. Shin, W. Lee, K. Seo, D. Lee, and H. Hwang. Co-occurrence of threshold switching and memory switching in Pt/NbOx/Pt cells for cross point memory applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33,236-238, (2012).
14. X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Shin, J. Park, J. Lee, S. Park, and H. Hwang. Diode-less bilayer oxide (WOx–NbOx) device for cross-point resistive memory applications, Nanotechnology, 22, 475702, (2011).
13. X. Liu, K.P. Biju, J. Lee, J. Park, S. Kim, S. Park, J. Shin, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Parallel memristive filaments model applicable to bipolar and filamentary resistive switching, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 113518, (2011).
12. X. Liu, K.P. Biju, E.M. Bourim, S. Park, W. Lee, D. Lee, K. Seo, and H. Hwang. Filament-type resistive switching inhomogeneous bi-layer Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin film memory devices, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,14, H9-H12, (2011).
11. X. Liu, K.P. Biju, S. Park, I. Kim, M. Siddik, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Improved resistive switching properties in Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Y2O3-stabilizedZrO2/W via-hole structures, Current Applied Physics, 11, e58-e61, (2011).
10. X. Liu, I. Kim, M. Siddik, S.M. Sadaf, K. P. Biju, S. Park, and H. Hwang. Resistive switching mechanism of a Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3-basedmemory device and assessment of its suitability for nano-scale applications, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59, 497-500, (2011).
9. X. Liu, K.P. Biju, E.M. Bourim, S. Park, W. Lee, J. Shin, and H. Hwang. Low programming voltage resistive switching in reactive metal/polycrystalline Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3devices, Solid State Communications, 150, 2231-2235, (2010).
8. X. Liu, X. Li, W. Yu, Q. Wang, R. Yang, X. Cao, and L. Chen. Improved resistive switching properties in Ti/TiOx/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt stacked structures, Solid State Communications,150, 137-141, (2010).
7. X. Liu, X. Li, R. Yang, Q. Wang, X. Cao, W. Yu, and L. Chen. Interfacial resistive switching properties in Ti/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt sandwich structures, Physica Status Solidi (A): Applications and Materials Science, 207, 1204-1209, (2010).
6. 刘新军, 李效民, 王群, 杨蕊, 曹逊, 陈立东. Study on the “negative”resistance switching property in Ti/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt结构器件中“负”电阻开关特性研究, 无机材料学报, 25, 151-156, (2010).
5. X. Liu, X. Li, W. Yu, Q. Wang, R. Yang, X. Cao, and L. Chen. Bipolar resistance switching property of Al-Ag/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt sandwiches, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 117,732-735, (2009).
4. X. Liu, Z. Li, P. Wu, H. Bai, and E. Jiang. The Effect of Fe doping on structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of CaMn1-xFexO3 (x=0-0.35), Solid State Communications, 142, 525–530, (2007).
3. X. Liu, Z. Li, A. Yu, M. Liu, W. Li, B. Li, P. Wu, H. Bai, and E. Jiang. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of Fe-doped manganite LaMn0.7Fe0.3O3+δ, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 313, 354–360, (2007).
2. X. Liu, E. Jiang, Z. Li, B. Li, W. Li, A. Yu, P. Wu, and H. Bai. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of ferromagnetic insulating manganites Nd0.85Na0.15MnO3, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,305, 352–356, (2006).
1. X. Liu, E. Jiang, Z. Li, B. Li, W. Li, A. Yu, and H. Bai. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of charge-ordered Nd0.75Na0.25MnO3, Physica B, 348, 146–150, (2004).